Save Money With Scheduled AC Repairs in Naples FL

by | Apr 19, 2017 | Heating and Air Conditioning


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Home heating and cooling units are the most expensive appliances to run in a home. A new appliance will be energy efficient and will cool a home quickly. As the appliance ages, it loses efficiency and power. After a few years of use, the homeowner will be spending considerably more on cooling costs than they would like. To avoid excess energy use, homeowners should contact their local service provider to schedule at least two service visits per year.

During these visits for AC repairs in Naples, FL, homeowners can expect service providers to check all three major parts of the system. The appliance is usually the first part of the system to be checked. The mechanical and electrical components of the appliance will need to be checked for damage and regular wear and tear. Any parts that are worn or damaged will need to be repaired of replaced. This will help improve the reliability and efficiency of the unit.

The wiring to and from the unit will need to be checked next. Faults in the wiring could cause breakers in the home to trip, interrupting power to the rest of the home. Damage to the wires could be a fire hazard that puts everyone in the home at risk. Damage to the wiring leading to the thermostat could cause the appliance to either stop working before reaching the target temperature or cause it to keep working even though the target temperature has been reached.

The ducts are arguably the most important of the system. Moving air in and out of the home takes a lot of work. The amount of energy to do that kind of work is already expensive. If there are gaps and holes in the duct work, the unit will have to work even harder. During visits for AC repairs in Naples, FL, service providers will check the ducts from end to end and make sure there are no gaps allowing air to escape.

Homeowners can visit the website of their local service provider to schedule service visits. It’s best to schedule well ahead of time to avoid waiting for service. Most providers recommend that visits take place at the beginning of Summer and the beginning of Winter.

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