With the summer months approaching, it is time for homeowners to assess the performance of their air conditioners. If an air conditioner is not performing at an acceptable level, it may be time for air conditioning service. Three signs that Air Conditioning Service in Rehoboth Beach DE is needed are that the air conditioner won’t turn on, the air conditioner doesn’t blow cold air, and the air conditioner doesn’t blow enough air.
Won’t Turn On
One sign that air conditioning service is needed is that the air conditioner won’t turn on. If an air conditioner does not come on, there can be several culprits. One possibility is that the thermostat is faulty. Another possibility is a tripped circuit breaker. Both of these problems are minor and their fixes are easy. It is also possible that there is dust built up on the condenser coil or debris has entered the unit. These problems usually require professional air conditioning service.
Doesn’t Blow Cold Air
Another sign that air conditioning service is needed is that the air conditioner doesn’t blow cold air. If an air conditioner comes on but blows warm air, the problem is commonly a faulty condenser coil. A faulty condenser coil can be the result of a blown fuse or a buildup of dust and dirt. Another common culprit of this problem is a low refrigerant level. Professional air conditioning service is usually needed to resolve these issues.
Doesn’t Blow Enough Air
The third sign that air conditioning service is needed is that the air conditioner doesn’t blow enough air. If an air conditioner comes on and blows cold air, but the air output is low, the problem usually lies in the ductwork. Tears in the ductwork can cause air leaks and decrease the amount of air that comes out of the vent. Clogged ductwork has the same effect. Ductwork can be cleaned and repaired as a part of professional air conditioning service.
Arctic Heating & Air Conditioning can provide Air Conditioning Service in Rehoboth Beach DE. When an air conditioner won’t turn on, doesn’t blow cold air, or doesn’t blow enough air, Arctic Heating & Air can help. Maintenance and repair of all makes and models are available, as well as installation of new air conditioning units.
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