3 Tips for Homeowners from an Air Conditioning Contractor in Fort Myers, FL

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Air Conditioning Contractors


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Most homeowners aren’t experts when it comes to their HVAC. While you don’t need to know everything there is to know about how your air conditioning functions, it is important to keep relevant AC maintenance tips in mind.

Improve the life of your air conditioning by keeping the following tips in mind:

Remember to Power up Your AC

One of the best tips from an air conditioning contractor in Fort Myers, FL, is for homeowners to remember to turn their AC on after a period of inactivity. If you haven’t used your AC in months, be sure to power it up 24 hours before you need to use it. Allowing your AC to run gives it a chance for it to “warm-up” before you actually need to turn it on full blast.

Keep the AC Running During the Hottest Days of the Year

Many homeowners believe it’s more cost-effective to turn their AC off when they go out of town or go to work. However, HVAC experts share that this isn’t always as efficient as it seems.

If the temperature outside is 78 degrees or higher, keeping the AC on will keep the temperature in your home at a comfortable level. Doing this will use less energy when you ultimately return home and turn the AC back on.

Keep the Cover Off When in Use

It’s a good idea to keep your AC’s cover on when it isn’t in use, but not while it’s operating. Keep the AC cover off while the system runs to prevent it from overheating and breaking down.

Learn more about air conditioning contractors from Business Name.

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